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LDA V4 - framework and basic information
Contractual conditions on the Provision of Financial Recources from the International Visegrad Fund ´s Strategic Grant.
- Subject of the Project shall be supported by the Fund with an amount of up to 30 000 EUR under conditions set in Contarct.
- Project shall last from 20.09.2011 to 28.02.2013 (Implementation Period)
- Contractual project partners:
- Moldava nad Bodvou
- City of Karcag
- The Association of Czech At
- Alfa-Omega Foundation
- Union of Towns and Municipalities of the Czech Republic
- The Union of Towns and Cities of Slovakia
- Bratislava
- eSlovensko
- Association for Information technologies and Telecommunications
- Municipal Council of the Town and the Commune of Radków
- The commune of Gdansk - Municipality of Gdansk
- City of Hradec Králové
- Coordination meeting in Bratislava (X/2011)
- Meeting at ISSS/LORIS/V4DIS 2012 Conference in Hradec Králové (IV/2012)
- Presentation of project results to EU bodies in Brussels (X/2012)
- Activities within the project (output):
- Survey and characteristics of relevant EU strategies and programmes
- Survey and characteristics of national strategies, programmes and financial tools for eGovernment in the area
- Survey and characteristics of national and international associations of self-governments focused i.a. on eGovernment and ICT and their specific activities for this area.
- Evaluation of involvement of towns and regions of V4 countries in the international cooperation in the area of eGovernment.
- Benchmarking - preparation, implementation and evaluation of comparative research in form of questionnaire survey focused on eGovernment of chosen units (towns and regions) of separate V4 countries.
- Best practises - choice, description and promotion of best practice examples of chosen units (towns and regions) in separate V4 countries.
- Definition of opportunities and reccomendations - comparing information from the global analytic part and information obtained in the research and choosing best practice example for particular region. Expert evaluation and final expert discussion.
- Providing exchange of experiences and promotion - meetings, providing presentations, events, web site, promotion leaflet, output information brochure, pres releases etc.
Zodpovídá: Ing. Martina Rojková
Vytvořeno / změněno: 24.7.2012 / 24.7.2012
Počet návštěv: 39632
Zobrazit vyhledávací formulář »
- Kontakt:
Kancelář Kraje Vysočina v Bruselu, 20/22, Rue du Commerce, 1000 Brusel Ixelles, Belgie, e-mail: info@vysocina.eu
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