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LDA V4 - framework and basic information

Contractual conditions on the Provision of Financial Recources from the International Visegrad Fund ´s Strategic Grant.

  • Subject of the Project shall be supported by the Fund with an amount of up to 30 000 EUR under conditions set in Contarct.
  • Project shall last from 20.09.2011 to 28.02.2013 (Implementation Period)
  • Contractual project partners:
        1. Moldava nad Bodvou
        2. City of Karcag
        3. The Association of Czech At
        4. Alfa-Omega Foundation
        5. Union of Towns and Municipalities of the Czech Republic
        6. The Union of Towns and Cities of Slovakia
        7. Bratislava
        8. eSlovensko
        9. Association for Information technologies and Telecommunications
        10. Municipal Council of the Town and the Commune of Radków
        11. The commune of Gdansk - Municipality of Gdansk
        12. City of Hradec Králové
  • Planned events:
        1. Coordination meeting in Bratislava (X/2011)
        2. Meeting at ISSS/LORIS/V4DIS 2012 Conference in Hradec Králové (IV/2012)
        3. Presentation of project results to EU bodies in Brussels (X/2012)
  • Activities within the project (output):
        1. Survey and characteristics of relevant EU strategies and programmes
        2. Survey and characteristics of national strategies, programmes and financial tools for  eGovernment in the area
        3. Survey and characteristics of national and international associations of self-governments focused i.a. on eGovernment and ICT and their specific activities for this area.
        4. Evaluation of involvement of towns and regions of V4 countries in the international cooperation in the area of eGovernment.
        5. Benchmarking - preparation, implementation and evaluation of comparative research in form of questionnaire survey focused on eGovernment of chosen units (towns and regions) of separate V4 countries.
        6. Best practises - choice, description and promotion of best practice examples of chosen units (towns and regions) in separate V4 countries.
        7. Definition of opportunities and reccomendations - comparing information from the global analytic part and information obtained in the research and choosing best practice example for particular region. Expert evaluation and final expert discussion.
        8. Providing exchange of experiences and promotion - meetings, providing presentations, events, web site, promotion leaflet, output information brochure, pres releases etc.
Zodpovídá: Ing. Martina Rojková
Vytvořeno / změněno: 24.7.2012 / 24.7.2012

Počet návštěv: 38376

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Kontaktní informace

Krajský úřad Kraje Vysočina, Žižkova 1882/57, 586 01 Jihlava, IČO: 70890749,, tel.: 564 602 111, fax: 564 602 420, skype: kruvysocina, ID datové schránky: ksab3eu

Úřední hodiny:
pondělí a středa: 8.00–17.00, úterý, čtvrtek a pátek 8.00–13.00
, Facebook Kraj Vysočina na Facebooku
Pokladna, CzechPOINT:
pondělí a středa: 8.00–12.00, 13.00-17.00.

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