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Pozvánka na konferenci: Realise the Potential of Collaboration

Pozvánka na závěrečnou konferenci projeku DE-LAN, která se koná v 18. října 2012 v Cardiffu (VB)



Realise the Potential of Collaboration

Digital Business Collaboration 2012, free One-Day Conference.
Thursday 18th October, National Museum of Wales, Cardiff.

Click here to register

Digital technology is rapidly rewriting the rules of business. Smaller firms can now gain all the competitive firepower of bigger counterparts, simply by linking online with those whose expertise complements their own.

Join us at the Digital Business Collaboration 2012 conference, on the 18thOctober at the National Museum of Wales, Cardiff and hear from senior representatives of top global companies – IBM, Cisco and Amazon - how advances such as cloud computing can connect you to major new opportunities.

More importantly, hear from businesses on the ground in Wales reporting how online collaboration is already making a huge difference to their success.

This includes enterprises such as mapping software specialists Geosho. They’re based in Caernarfon and employ four people yet they command worldwide markets, thanks to digital relationships with partners in the USA, Denmark, Scotland and England.

You’ll also discover how small software firms are managing to break into the huge NHS market. They’ve worked with Swansea University to create a cloud computing environment that allows them to make their products available on a ‘pay per use’ basis to NHS users anywhere in the UK.

Attending this conference will help you learn how smaller organisations can multiply their resources by sharing on line. An excellent example is the switched-on network of community radio stations who will be explaining to delegates how they keep their costs down by pooling advertising sales, news content and staff training.

This landmark event will put you ahead of the pack by showing how digital link-ups can: 

-> Make your business more cost-efficient

-Help you reach new customers at home and worldwide

-Allow you to develop innovative products and services

-Strengthen your supply chain

This conference marks the completion of the three-year DE-LAN project, led by Wales and funded by the INTERREG IVC programme to promote digital collaboration across the EU.

Places at this flagship event are filling up quickly, as entrepreneurs, business managers, advisors and policy makers seek to learn more about this trend towards collaboration that is gathering pace across Europe. If you haven’t already registered for this valuable event reserve your place today

Click here to register

Zodpovídá: Radek Bejdák
Vytvořeno / změněno: 1.10.2012 / 1.10.2012

Počet návštěv: 16792

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