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The final LDA-V4 project brochure released!

The objective of the strategic project Local Digital Agenda in the Visegrad Four countries (LDA-V4) was to map the state of eGovernment implementation and use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in modernization of public administration in the chosen local and regional governments in each Visegrad country in the context of European as well as national strategies and programmes. Further there was to make mutual comparison, choose examples of best practices, provide exchange of experience, identify opportunities for further development and give recommendation of other steps for further development. Overall results are published in the final project brochure.


Participants of the project Local Digital Agenda in the V4 countries expressed their strong belief that it is precisely the cooperation in similar projects, analyses, benchmarking, experience sharing and good practice promotion, what is contributory to further measures in modernisation of public administration using ICT in regions, towns and municipalities.

The LDA-V4 project was, and is, an opportunity to have a good look around, evaluate what is going well and which problems need to be addressed. It creates good conditions for further development of cooperation, which is good to be continued within possible follow-up projects, as well as expert discussions, e.g., at conferences such as V4DIS, ITAPA and others.

The team of the LDA-V4 project express thanks to all who participated in its realization. No matter if they contributed by a good idea in the methodology area, helped with acquiring the background material or its preparing into the final form.



Zodpovídá: Ing. Martina Rojková
Vytvořeno / změněno: 13.2.2013 / 13.2.2013


Umístění: Složky dokumentů > LDA-V4 > News
Počet návštěv: 28650

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