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Vysočina Region Office in Brussels


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Latest Documents

  • Representative of the Vysočina Region in Brussels (27.11.2019)
  • Vysočina Region is organising a seminar within the Open Days 2013 (1.7.2013)

    The Vysočina Region is organising together with 10 other partner regions a seminar within the 11th European Week of Regions and Cities in Brussels, also called the “Open Days".

  • Open Vacancy at EUREGHA: Internship Position (1.7.2013)

    EUREGHA is currently looking for an intern to the Permanent Secretariat in Brussels. The intern will work closely with the Operations Manager in the daily coordination of the network. During the internship, the intern will acquire knowledge of EU Health Policy; develop the ability to work in a team with other professionals as well as developing an understanding of the functioning of the European institutions and their interaction with various stakeholders in Brussels.

  • Vysočina presented itself at the 7th Czech Street Party in Brussels (17.6.2013)

    On Friday 14th June, the traditional Czech Street Party in Brussels took place in the Caroly Street. The music of Czech interpreters, the culinary specialities from several Czech regions and the nice weather attracted a big number of visitors.

  • Join the Czech Street Party 2013 Competition (7.6.2013)

    You have a unique opportunity to participate in a competition for musical and other prizes that will take place during the 7th Czech Street Party 2013 in Brussels. You can still take part in the competition during the next week until Friday 14th June. How to do so?


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The Regional Authority of the Vysočina Region, Žižkova 1882/57, 586 01 Jihlava, ©2002–2021

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