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The Vysocina Fund



Doing the Right Thing

Fond VysočinyThe Vysocina Fund, a tool designed to assist in the implementation of regional policies within the approved Vysocina Regional Development Plan, was instituted by a resolution adopted by the Regional Council in 2002. The Fund dispenses a part of the development funds allocated by the Vysocina Region to different subjects based on specific rules, and in accordance with approved priorities.

With the help of the Vysocina Fund, the Vysocina Region supports a number of sports, information-technologies, landscape-planning, cultural, environmental, educational, and agricultural activities in the region.

To support these activities, over 40 million CZK was expended in 2002. Other grant schemes are continuously being launched. For further information, see

Responsible: Admin
Created / changed: 21.7.2008 / 21.7.2008


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The Regional Authority of the Vysočina Region, Žižkova 1882/57, 586 01 Jihlava, ©2002–2021

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