Write the word, several words, a part of the sentence, a part of the word or an expression compounded of the words and the operators AND, OR and NOT in the text field.
Click on the button Search. The search engine will evaluate the text field, search the area defined in the roll-down menu and display the results.
What is fulltext? It is a method of searching or also organizing text databases that allows comparing of every word in the document to the entered pattern and subsequently searching through the whole page.
Instructions for Fulltext searching:
- Define the searched phrase by quotation marks
For example - "municipal authority"
- Searching does not distinguish between lower and capital letters.
- Search more words using the operator AND (connects two words).
For example - you need to find a document in which the words “city” and “authority” can be found. Write down city AND authority. The search engine then searches out all documents which contain both words.
- Search synonyms or similar words using the operator OR.
For example - you need to find a document which contains the word “city” or the word “municipality”. Write down city OR municipality. The search engine searches out all documents which contain either the word “city” or the word “municipality” or both of them.
- Specify searching by the operatorAND NOT.
For example - you need to find a document which contains the word “municipal” which is not followed by the word “authority”. Write down municipal AND NOT authority. The search engine then searches out all documents which contain the word “municipal” not followed by the world “authority”.
- If you want to find in documents the words AND, OR or NOT place them into the quotation marks.
- Use the star (*) as the substitutionary symbol for the rest of words.
For example - write down the expression municipal* to find municipality, municipalities, municipal, etc.
- You can not search one-letter expressions but two-letters expressions you can.
- Searching displays the found appearances sorted according to their weight, i.e. the appearances which the search engine considers the best matching ones are on the top of the list. It is not interesting if you search one word but if you use more complex search constructions you will definitely appreciate it.
- Note: There is certain list of “forbidden” English words which can not be searched.