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The Principles and Priorities of the Informatisation of the Vysočina Region


  • Development of the Region and the supporting role of ICT in general, and specifically, in the sphere of innovation
  • Telecommunication infrastructure development; quality coverage of the Region with an optic-network-based backbone telecommunications infrastructure; and support for the development of advanced telecommunications services
  • Methodological and financial support for the creation and development of metropolitan and municipal networks
  • Initiating co-operation in European projects, the transfer of experience, support for partnership, and implementation of the best practises
  • Correct interpretation of the terms eGovernment, eInclusion, eBusiness, eDemocracy, etc.
  • Using ICT to make the Region more attractive for young people
  • Supporting the vision of an open, accessible and professional Regional Authority, and of the maximum possible openness of the internal public administration information resources
  • Building a regional geographic information system; support for distributed technologies based on open standards (WMS, WFS); support for the Region’s bodies and the components of the Integrated Rescue System, by providing them with quality geo-data and geo-applications



We implement and support the following projects:

  • Partnership – EPMA, ICHNOS
  • Mobile communications
  • ROWANet
  • The Jihlava Regional Metropolitan Network
  • Metropolitan networks of municipalities in the Region
  • Support for the components of the Integrated Rescue System (IRS)
  • ePUSA – an electronic portal of self-administering territorial authorities
  • SDZA – Administration of Data Sources and Applications
  • Electronic mail room, electronic signature
  • The Region’s website
  • The Golden Crest (Zlatý erb)
  • A regional Geo-portal
  • Ortofoto, 3D GIS
  • Regional terminal services
  • KEVIS – Regional Registry System
  • Data warehouse
  • Subsidies for the development of ICT in organisations established by the Region



International co-operation:

  • EPMA
  • IANIS+
  • Prelude Challenge




Our Goals


  • Development of E-services – Given our developed infrastructure, we are interested in further improving and increasing the number of electronic services provided by the Region.
  • eInclusion – This is the name for an effort to mediate the impact of rapid technological development on at-risk groups of inhabitants in the Region (the handicapped, seniors, mothers on maternity leave, or the inhabitants of small villages).  Using effective tools, we are able to help these inhabitants.
  • CRM Systems – In practice, the implementation of systems for managing customer relations means the modification of the internal processes in our organisation, in such a way as to enable us to provide information and render services faster and in better quality.
  • IS Integration – The integration of information systems and data will help us to achieve greater flexibility in providing services, with the possibility of developing new services.  We also expect a reduction in the costs of data and application administration.
  • Standardisation of IS, Databases, and Networks – Standardisation is one of the basic conditions for the unification of internal processes.  Our goal is to create a technological environment which would allow for the mutual communication of all of the components of information systems, with an added value for users.
  • Security – The security of technologies and data is always our utmost concern, especially at a time when the potential threats are known and the consequences horrifying.
  • Development of Model Studies and Conceptual Materials – We are interested in sharing our experience and knowledge with others, who would otherwise have to beat down this thorny path themselves.  We want to co-operate with recognised experts in various fields, to develop studies which will enable our partners to expand their knowledge and apply it in practice.
  • Pressure for ICT Development in the Czech Republic – We want to work on the country-wide level, in developing a society which will accept and develop modern technologies, while, at the same time, enabling at-risk groups to integrate into that society.
  • Strengthening the Position of the Region in Europe – We are interested in learning from developed European countries, and then applying that knowledge in practice.  We will further disseminate that knowledge and strive to become a full-fledged partner of all European Regions.
  • Coordination of Infrastructure Development in the Region, and Content Development – With continuing technological development, we will seek new solutions for covering the entire territory of the Region with infrastructure, and we will also create content (services, applications, data) and run it through telecommunication networks.




Responsible: Admin
Created / changed: 12.1.2007 / 19.1.2007


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The Regional Authority of the Vysočina Region, Žižkova 1882/57, 586 01 Jihlava, ©2002–2021

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