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Activities of the Information Technology Department
Contact for the Information Technology Department
Contact for the Head of the Department
Policy Section
Develops, manages, coordinates, and supports information technology development projects in the Region; provides for and coordinates the grant programmes of the Vysočina Fund in the IT sector; coordinates IT activities with the other departments of the Regional Authority; develops regional conceptual plans; provides conceptual leadership in the area of IT to organisations partially subsidised by the Region; coordinates activities with the Czech Ministry of Informatics; provides conceptual management in projects; is a member of projection teams; coordinates projects in terms of their adherence to the IT strategy; provides for other administrative services in the IT area; coordinates development activities with state authorities and EU authorities; and provides for the development of Policy and strategic materials in the area under its responsibility.
Contact for the Policy Section
Database and Application Administration Section
Develops, manages, coordinates, and supports information technology development projects in the Region; administers applications; maintains the organisation’s internal applications; administers state administration applications; maintains the special applications of various departments; provides for the upgrading of applications; designs and creates supplementary applications; designs, creates, and implements database applications; creates super-structure data applications for the organisation’s existing databases; is a member of software project projection teams; administers database systems; implements and maintains central database systems; defines and checks on the database security policy and personal data protection; coordinates data exchange with other organisations; defines and promotes standard data interfaces; provides for the technical aspects of data exchange between state administration and self-governance entities; provides for a programme for training the Authority’s employees in the field; provides for the administration of the GINIS system; provides comprehensive technical support to the users of the Regional Authority’s applications; maintains a registry of the Regional Authority’s intangible assets; provides technical administration for the Region’s website; checks on the security of access to the Region’s website; provides technical support to the users of the editing system; administers the Intranet; creates and posts documents on the Intranet; checks on the security of access to the Intranet from the Internet; services the back-up system; provides for the submission of information from the Region’s accounting to the country-wide database; and provides for the administration of the electronic mail room and PKI infrastructure.
Contact for the Database and Application Administration Section
GIS Administration Section
Ensures that background materials for maps are current and updated; coordinates the updating of acquired map background materials; administers and creates a GIS; creates the GIS workplace of the Authority; provides for comprehensive GIS technical equipment and software; acquires, coordinates, and integrates geo-data on the country-wide level; co-operates with other entities of regional, national, or supra-regional importance; provides for the GIS education programme on the regional level; develops the GIS concept on the regional level; coordinates, integrates, and distributes geo-data in the Region; co-operates with other entities in the Region; administers the Region’s map services (servers); provides for comprehensive support for GIS users; and creates special-purpose cartographic products.
Contact for the GIS Administration Section
Network Administration Section
Defines, implements, and checks on the security policy; administers other communication interfaces; administers voice and conference services; provides system support for departmental data networks; creates and administers the Authority’s computer networks; designs the network topology; implements and supervises networks; provides comprehensive hardware support to users; coordinates the building of data networks in the Region; defines and promotes the standards and recommendations of the Region with respect to networks (especially regional and metropolitan); administers the mail server; acts as the postmaster – checks and re-distributes e-mail; exchange server administration; checks on the security of the e-mail interface; implements and supports the electronic signature system; provides other technical services to be provided by the Information Technology Department; administers network directory services; maintains an operative registry of the Region’s ICT property; administers the file server; defines and administers shared data spaces; controls access rights to shared data; provides for the physical administration of designated intangible assets; and administers the active components and servers of the Regional Authority’s network.
Contact for the Network Administration Section
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The Regional Authority of the Vysočina Region, Žižkova 1882/57, 586 01 Jihlava, ©2002–2021