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Best Practises - The Best of Vysočina, On Its Way to an Information Society

Best practices
We are offering you the opportunity to look into the world of the most interesting projects concerning information technologies that have been created in the Vysočina Region, in the five years since its establishment. On a sustained and targeted basis, we have supported the activities of the self-governing authorities in upgrading their activities and the services they render, by using information technologies, exchanging experience, and co-operating in projects on the national and international levels.

Our goal is to live up to the idea of an active region which supports the use of information technologies as a service to its inhabitants, and as a tool to effect economic development and increase the quality of life in Vysočina. We are happy to present you with a publication that summarises selected examples of the approaches to e-government in towns and municipalities in the Vysočina Region, and to introduce to you the so-called best practises – the best of the Vysočina Region. We hope that this publication will be the first step on our way to mapping out projects in the region, and will serve as inspiration, showing just how much can be achieved when people work together.
Responsible: Admin
Created / changed: 17.4.2007 / 17.4.2007 | Publish from: 17.4.2007


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The Regional Authority of the Vysočina Region, Žižkova 1882/57, 586 01 Jihlava, ©2002–2021

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