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The Vysočina Region Office in Brussels




The Office of the Vysočina Region in Brussels was inaugurated in October 2007 in the presence of the regional delegation as well as lots of important fugures from the EU institutions and other regional representations. The opening of the Office in Brussels was anticipated by the numerous interships of the Vysočina Region's Office employees during the years 2006 and 2007.The first permanent Representative of the Vysočina Region in Brussels, Ms. Markéta Heřmanová, assumed her post in January 2008 and worked in this position untill October 2009.

Since November 2009 is the Vysočina Region´s Representative Mr. Josef Kodet. Beginning with the 1st January 2010, the Vysočina Region changed the form of its Permanent Representation to the so-called “non-Permanent Representation.” This model practically works in a following manner: Represenative of the Vysočina Region spends most of his working time in the Czech Republic and to Brussels arrives approximately once a month to deal with actual matters or to participate in planned meetings and actions. Mr. Josef Kodet worked in this position untill June 2010.

On 1st July 2010, the position was assumed by Ms. Martina Richtová Tomšů, who works at the same time for External Relations Section of the Presidential Secretariat of the Vysočina Region.

The reasons for establishing the Office

The Vysočina Region Office was opened especially to put the Vysočina Region in direct contact with the finance and other possibilities proposed by the EU and to profit from them as much as possible. Among other important reasons was also to improve the awareness of the Vysočina Region in the EU and to strengthen the international cooperation. As a very positive impulse in this way we could mention the Czech Presidency in the EU Council (2009), where the Vysocina Region used a lots of opportunities to present itself at the numerous cultural events and working meetings.Throughout the first two years the Vysočina Region in Brussels established a rich set of contacts with great number of European institutions and regions. As a result of these acquired contacts we could mention, for example, that the Vysočina Region takes part in a few international projects. In connection with the improving importance of the EU's regional policy, and increasing role of the particular regions in the EU integration and cooperation process, we can expect also the rising importance of every particular regional representation in Brussels.

What are the main activities of the Office?

The office engages primarily in the following five activities:


  • Gathers information in Brussels concerning the work of the EU institutions and other regions represented in Brussels.
  • Gathers and evaluates information about the announced project calls and other financial support opportunities, provides their distribution to the regional target groups.


Cooperates in organising presentations aimed at introducing the Vysočina Region as an attractive tourist destination with the unique natural beauties and cultural heritage, as well as the dynamic region with the strong innovation potential.


  • Serves as the development tool regarding the Vysočina Region’s cooperation with other European regions
  • Searches for the potential partners to the international projects.
  • Initiates the new contacts, maintains them, and cooperates with the Czech Republic's regions and other European regions in promoting their common interests (especially in frames of the EU regional policy) and mediates the best practice exchange.


  • Assists in the education of the Vysočina Region's employees and of the organisations established by the Region concerning the EU functioning, its policies and decision-making processes, as well as informs about the current European integration issues.

Logistical Services

  • Offers the basic background for the regional and municipal politicians from the Vysočina Region and for the Vysočina Region´s employees during their appointments in Brussels.
  • Provides the technical and administrative support also for other regional subjects of the Vysočina Region.

Who are the recipients of the Office services?

As from the above mentioned activities could be seen, the Vysočina Region´s Office does not serve only for the needs of the regional authority. It is, on the contrary, opened for all different subjects from the Vysočina Region like the municipalities, educational, cultural and health institutions, non-profit organisations or professional associations. Basic support provides also for the regional business subjects from the region.


Responsible: Admin
Created / changed: 29.7.2008 / 29.7.2008


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