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Symbols of Vysocina

Záložky hlavní nabídky


The Regional Authority



The Regional Authority performs tasks within the sphere of its independent powers set by the elective bodies of the region (the Regional Council and the Regional Assembly). These tasks are defined by law as performance of independent powers. The law additionally recognizes performance of delegated powers. As far as performance within the delegated powers is concerned, the regional authority reports to state administration authorities (especially the relevant ministries) that charge the regional authority with state administration tasks.

Regional Authority Organization Structure:

The authority, headed by a Chief Executive Officer, is divided into departments, which are further divided into sections.

Ing. Bc. Zdeněk KadlecChief Executive Officer of the Regional Authority

manages the Regional Authority, represents it in public, decides on personnel matters and remuneration policies, and is accountable for the performance of delegated powers

Zdeněk Kadlec
Chief Executive Officer
Curriculum vitae

Executive Committee of the Director

A standing steering and advisory body comprising the Director and Deputy Directors

Analytical Department

    • Coordinates projects with respect to analytical tools
    • Administers the content of data warehouse data markets; proposes, coordinates, and manages the further development of the data warehouse
    • Organises or directly participates in producing ad-hoc analyses for the region’s self-governing bodies and the other departments and sections of the Authority

    Presidential Secretariat

    • Section for Emergencies: Ensures preparedness for military and non–military crisis situations, and prepares the regional crisis plan
    • External Relations Section: Organises press conferences given by Members of the Regional Assembly; cooperates with the media; informs the public of the region’s activities; prepares a policy plan for developing relations with other regions and foreign countries
    • Office of the President: Prepares daily schedules for the Regional Council, organises working and social events, organises meetings of the Regional Council and the Regional Assembly

    Financial Department

    • Budget and Finance Section: Prepares a draft of the regional budget; prepares materials for receiving loans and administers their repayment; collects administrative fees
    • Accounting Section: Performs settlements and prepares the final account; provides payroll accounting

    Department of Regional Development

    • Section for Strategic Planning: Coordinates the preparation of long-term policy plans and strategies for regional economic and social development; prepares materials for updating the Regional Development Plan; coordinates the region’s grant policy (the Vysocina Fund)
    • Section for Regional Development: Responsible for the selection of suitable sites and the creation of conditions for the development of business and investment opportunities; establishes contacts with business entities operating in the region
    • NUTS II Southeast Regional Council Secretariat: provides administrative support for NUTS II; maintains records on EU projects 

    Environment Department

    • Section for the Protection of Natural Resources: Prepares environmental protection prognoses and strategies; assesses building projects and technologies, based on the Environmental Impact Assessment Act
    • Section for the Technical Protection of the Environment: Prepares a regional policy plan of waste management; oversees adherence to emission and deposit limits
    • Section for Integrated Prevention
    • Forestry and Agriculture Section: Approves finished forest plans and authorises amendments thereto; manages hunting in the region; establishes fishing districts
    • Agriculture Section: Collects applications for subsidies from the Ministry of Agriculture; maintains records on poppy and hemp growers 
    • Water Management Section: Prepares materials for the public water mains and sewage system development programme

    Department of Culture and Historical Heritage and Tourism

    • Section for Culture: Creates the conditions for cultural development, and cares for the fulfilment of citizens’ cultural needs; surveys the conditions in and activities of museums, galleries, theatres, and libraries
    • Section for Historical Heritage: Prepares a regional policy plan of the preservation of monuments by the State; maintains a list of cultural monuments in the region

    Department of Land Planning and Construction

    • Section for Land Planning: Monitors and evaluates development needs in the region; prepares zoning maps of large territorial units
    • Section for Construction: Decides on inconsistencies in zoning processes and building permission proceedings

    Department of Education, Youth, and Sports

    • Education Organisation Section: With the consent of the founder, appoints and recalls the directors of schools and educational facilities established by municipalities; approves school mergers; appoints and recalls examination committees for matriculation and graduation examinations
    • Youth and Sports Section: Prepares materials for the proposal of a budget for sports and care for children and youth; monitors the activities of organisations providing out-of-school activities for children
    • Education Finance Section: Administers investment expenditures; checks the effectiveness of the management of funds; prepares and submits financial analyses of schools

    Department of Transport and Road Management

    • Section for Transport: Specifies the types of road vehicles for which Vehicle Testing Stations are authorised to provide technical testing; imposes fines on carriers that infringe upon the Road Traffic Act
    • Section for Road Management: Ensures the execution of the tasks of road administration and maintenance in the region, through organisations it establishes; decides on assigning roads into classes; deliberates upon traffic and administration offences on roads and motorways
    • Section for Road Administration: Carries out the administration and maintenance of roads; prepares and drafts the budget

    Department of Health and Social Affairs

    • Section for Social Services and the Social and Legal Protection of Children: Performs tasks associated with the administration of social care facilities; decides on admissions to social care institutions; acts as the supervisory body for welfare benefits allocation
    • Section for Welfare Benefits: Manages and supervises the performance of state administration in regard to welfare benefits; deals with the complaints, notifications, and initiatives submitted by municipalities and individuals regarding welfare benefits
    • Section for Health: Acts as a supervisory body for the healthcare facilities established by the Region, including the emergency detoxification centre

    Department of Property Management

    • Property Rights Section: Administers the real property belonging to the region; organises the awarding of public contracts by the Region
    • Section for Real Property Administration: Administers the material aspects of the real property belonging to the Region; ensures fire protection of the property, budget preparation, and drafting

    Information Technology Department

    • Policy Section: Prepares, manages, coordinates, and supports IT development projects in the region; coordinates development activities with state administrative authorities and EU institutions
    • Network Administration Section: Builds and administers computer networks; administers web site servers
    • Database and Application Administration Section: Organises an IT training scheme for the employees of the Regional Authority; administers database systems
    • Geographical Information Systems Administration Section: administers and creates GIS; processes terrain layout documents

    Audit Department

    • Public Audit Section: Inspects the management of public funds by subsidised organisations established by the Region and the recipients of financial support from public funds; reviews the financial management of municipalities (upon the request of the municipality)

    Property Management Section

    • Property Management Section: Supplies office equipment; ensures the administration and maintenance of buildings

    Internal Audit Section

    • Carries out internal audits, focusing on the functioning of the internal audit system; formulates recommendations for improvement, in its reports

    Internal Control Section

    • Deals with petitions and complaints made by citizens; exercises control over the Regional Authority, especially in terms of its compliance with internal regulations and the law

    Human Resources Management Section

    • Deals with personnel and payroll issues; arranges training for employees

    Legal and Administrative Section

    • Maintains files of agreements entered into by the Region; provides legal services for all regional bodies; represents the Regional Authority in legal proceedings; reviews the decisions of decision-making authorities of 1st instance, concerning misdemeanours; maintains the official notice board of the Region

    Organisational Section

    • Defines new processes in connection with the Regional Authority’s activities 

    Responsible: Admin
    Created / changed: 5.8.2008 / 5.8.2008


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    The Regional Authority of the Vysočina Region, Žižkova 1882/57, 586 01 Jihlava, ©2002–2021

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