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Map server

ArcGIS Server
T-map Server
UMN Map Server


Map server is a program working on client - server process, processing the data with a geographical reletionship. Transmits a map display through the internet. It is also supported by access to GIS software connecting to services WMS, WFS, WCS.


Map server can be considered as a way of geographic information system, which is dominated by only using the parameters: text and non-interactively.


Map servers used on the Regional Authority

  • commercial
    • ArcGIS Server (ESRI)
    • T-map Server (T-mapy)
  • open-source
    • UMN Map Server (University of Minnesota,  USA)
Responsible: Bc. Pavla Chloupková
Created / changed: 15.2.2010 / 15.2.2010


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The Regional Authority of the Vysočina Region, Žižkova 1882/57, 586 01 Jihlava, ©2002–2021

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