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This presentation informs you about the general acitivities of the ICT department of the Vysocina' s Regional Authority.
We are offering you the opportunity to look into the world of the most interesting projects concerning information technologies that have been created in the Vysočina Region, in the five years since its establishment. On a sustained and targeted basis, we have supported the activities of the self-governing authorities in upgrading their activities and the services they render, by using information technologies, exchanging experience, and co-operating in projects on the national and international levels.
This brochure decribes one of the most important regional ICT project called ROWANet network. It is the regional backbone network based on the fibre optics and CWDM technologies, which is used by public sector within the region and brings new public e-services. Project was cofinanced by EU Structural Funds and has been finished in March 2006.
We would like to present you a very interesting map composition made by our GIS section. It shows the drawing of the Vysocina Fund financial resources used for ICT development in 2002 - 2006.
The final ICHNOS project conference took place in Santiago de Compostela on February 15. The conference hosted 17 speakers from the EU countries like Czech republic, Spain, Italy, Denmark, Estonia, Portugal, Poland. We presented there our project outputs, mainly the model of OSS used in Vysocina's environment and back-office process management system Helpdesk.
In the end of 2006 the regional survey about technologies and digital literacy has been completed. We are going to use this important outputs for our projects and regional ICT strategy. It is planned to provide some general information in english in following weeks.
The Regional Assembly decided to open new grant programme to support the creation and building the ICT infrastructure on the local level. More than 90 thousand euros will be used for cofinancing of the local project prepared by the municipalities.
The brochure which informs about our strategical goals, priorities, projects and partnerships.
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The Regional Authority of the Vysočina Region, Žižkova 1882/57, 586 01 Jihlava, ©2002–2021