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Maps are created in ArcGIS desktop from ESRI, and are ready for download in pdf format.

  • Administrative districts (15.2.2010)

    In the Vysočina region are 15 Municipalitites with extended jurisdiction, 26 Authorized municipalities and 704 Basic teritorial units.

    Registry offices is 89 and Buildings offices is 38.

  • Roads and railways (15.2.2010)

    In the Vysočina Region is 93 km highways, 419 km primary roads, 4 572 km secondary roads.

  • Health care (15.2.2010)

    In the Vysočina Region is 16 stations and attration zones of health service.

  • Social welfaries (15.2.2010)

    Map displays social welfaries in the Vysočina Region. In map is used method of kartodiagram.

  • Environment (15.2.2010)

    In Vysočina Region are two protected landscape areas: Železné hory (284 km2) a Žďárské vrchy (709 km2).


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The Regional Authority of the Vysočina Region, Žižkova 1882/57, 586 01 Jihlava, ©2002–2021

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