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Cesta: Titulní stránka > Kancelář Kraje Vysočina v Bruselu > O Vysočině > Organizace kraje > které organizace kraj zřizuje


International Visegrad Fund

The International Visegrad Fund is an inter­na­tional orga­ni­za­tion based in Bratislava founded by the gov­ern­ments of the Visegrad Group (V4) countries—the Czech Republic, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Poland, and the Slovak Republic—in Štiřín, Czech Republic, on June 9, 2000.


Visegrad fund










The pur­pose of the Fund is to facil­i­tate and pro­mote the devel­op­ment of closer coop­er­a­tion among V4 coun­tries (and of V4 coun­tries with other coun­tries, espe­cially but not exclu­sively non-EU mem­ber states in Eastern Europe, the Western Balkans and the South Caucasus) through grant sup­port of com­mon cul­tural, sci­en­tific and edu­ca­tional projects, youth exchanges, cross-border projects and tourism pro­mo­tion, and through indi­vid­ual mobil­ity pro­grams (schol­ar­ships, residencies).

Zodpovídá: Ing. Martina Rojková
Vytvořeno / změněno: 23.8.2011 / 23.8.2011


Umístění: Složky dokumentů > LDA-V4 > Support
Počet návštěv: 52150

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Kontaktní informace

Kancelář Kraje Vysočina v Bruselu, 20/22, Rue du Commerce, 1000 Brusel Ixelles, Belgie, e-mail:

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